View and navigate in the 3D interface

Pan/move the camera

Hold the hotkey (Ctrl/cmd by default) and click and drag, or simply click and drag the right mouse button.

Key panning (only in the perspective view)

Use hotkeys (w, a, s, d, Shift + W, Shift + S by default) to move the camera.

Change the key pan speed in the 3D interface settings.

Panning modes

By default, map panning is enabled, which means the camera pans along the ground plane. E.g. when you pan up by clicking and dragging, or press w, the camera moves forwards.

When screen panning is enabled, the camera moves along the screen (i.e. along the camera plane). E.g. when you pan up by clicking and dragging, or press w, the camera moves up.

You can change the panning mode in the 3D interface settings.

Rotate/orbit the camera in the perspective view

Hold the hotkey (Shift by default) and click and drag.

Change the rotation center point

  • The rotation point is initialized at the center of the point cloud.

  • If you zoom to an object, the rotation point will move to the center of that object.

  • You can manually set the rotation point by middle-clicking on any point of the point cloud. The changed rotation point will then be visible for a short time.

Zoom in/out

Mouse wheel

Scroll using the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.

Double-click (only in orthographic views)

  • Double-click in the viewer to zoom in.

  • Press the hotkey (Shift by default) + double-click in the viewer to zoom out.

Zoom to an object

  1. Select the object.

  2. Press the hotkey (t by default).

Hide objects

Hide/show a single object

  1. Hover over the object you want to hide/show in the objects sidebar.

  2. Press the eye icon.

Hide/show all unselected instances

Press the hotkey (h by default).

Pan to a bird's eye view in the perspective view

Press the hotkey (Ctrl/cmd + b by default).

Pan to initial camera view

Press the hotkey (Ctrl/cmd + i by default).

Switch the main view to an orthographic top view

Change a side view

  1. Click the dropdown in the top right corner of the side view.

  2. Select the new view you want to change to.

Ruler mode

  1. Click on the ground plane to starting point.

  2. When you move your cursor to another point on the ground plane the distance measurement will be shown in the bottom right panel of the sidebar. This measurement is in meters if the scale of your point cloud is true to life.

  3. Click again to go back to "Select and edit" tool or press Esc.

Focus beam

The focus beam tool helps you to locate objects in the 3D point cloud via the calibrated camera images. It renders a beam in the 3D space corresponding to a specific location in an image.

  1. Open a specific camera image by clicking on the thumbnail or open the image grid.

  2. Move your cursor to a point of interest in the image and press the focus beam hotkey (Shift + z by default).

  3. Go back to the 3D point cloud view. A focus beam should have appeared.

  4. To remove the focus beam, press the hotkey again while not hovering over an image.

Last updated

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